It's Big Mouth News Time! So Let's Get Into It....

Here you will find Celebrity stories, Internet aka Viral stories, or just hot button topics in general given with my own brand of wisdom, flavor, and my truth. This is just a written extension of my YouTube channel. BE WARNED: I will not always be nice in my blogs but what I say is my truth and things that need to be said and heard! So Pay Attention People, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY...

Showing posts with label Cheating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheating. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

Congrats to the cheating husband Patrick Brown and his home wrecking mistress Shara Cormier on their pregnancy, read the classified sections of a local Texas newspaper. I paraphrased but you get the gist of it. 

Timeshia Brown, wife of Patrick Brown has done the funniest, most ratchet, and absolutely most cunning act in scorned wife history. She went straight old school on her husband and his mistress. The details are vague but apparently Patrick Brown has a wondering eye and penis. Dude got his mistress pregnant and the wife KNOWS!

To get back at her husband (soon to be ex-husband) she put an ad in the classified section. Which stated the following:

According the Daily Mail, Shara and her family have not responded to the now viral newspaper clipping.

Friday, November 15, 2013

No the title of this blog is not wrong and you do not need to rub your eyes. This guy Alan Markovitz bought a house DIRECTLY next door to his ex-wife and placed a bronze middle finger statue in the backyard facing her house! Crazy right? Then he goes a step further to ensure that statue is always seen from her house (even at night) he lights the statue up with a big broad spotlight.

Who is Alan Markovitz? Well he's the owner of some of Detroit's most popular Gentleman's Clubs and he's an accomplished author of the book entitled:  Topless Prophet: The True Story of America's Most Successful Gentleman's Club Entrepreneur. Which is going to be turned into a Cinemax series in the near future.

But why? Why put this statue in the yard and go through all this trouble? Should be some of the questions on everybody's mind at this moment. Well read the article below via GAWKER that should explain his bitterness:
Markovitz has a 17-year-old daughter from a previous relationship who lives with him. He was married for two years to a woman he met at a friend's birthday party at an Auburn Hills restaurant. But they recently divorced. He said his wife, a native of Slovakia, was cheating on him with someone he knew. She moved in with the guy two days after moving out of the house. 
"He broke the Man Code. He’s a total freakin’ asshole,” Markovitz says. “Real men don’t do that to another guy."

Well there you have it.  I guess now your wonder who this woman is....Well I'll tell you! Her name is Lenka Tuohy. And she posted the pics on Twitter. I saw her tweets on GAWKER's site but her tweets have since been protected. I guess after her pictures have gone viral she didn't want anyone having access to her personal twitter. Understandable. Either way it seems Tuohy was casting her rod in too many ponds. But to be so callous as to cheat with someone her husband knew and was obviously close to. And then move into his house afterwards is the stupidest thing I've ever heard but its not unfamiliar. This happens all the time and it NEVER works out.

 Ladies and Gents take note:

1- In relationships Karma is a BITCH! Whatever kind of hell you put into a relationship expect it to come back on you 10 fold! If you know you can't take the pain and heartache your causing then why would you put that on someone you love or like?
2- You lose them how you get them. Its a FACT. Never build a relationship on shaky ground. Make sure your relationship is built on a foundation of truth and trust. If a man is willing to sleep with you while in a relationship it doesn't speak much for his character and what he's about. Now don't get me wrong not all men who do this are bad people its just when you are willing to put your morals aside then what are you willing to do for the sake of saying you have someone. It sounds like you are very insecure and need some serious help.
3- Trust is Key! If you want any peace and tranquility in your relationship you have to have trust.

Anyway I think the statue is a little childish but its absolutely HILARIOUS! I'm sure after he gets over the initial shock of the way she left he'll take down the statue or move away. Other than it is what it is. But instead of putting up the statue he could have just put her on! LOL I'm so messy!

Here's the question I pose:

Would you spend the money on a memento to torment or to tell off your spouse after they hurt you? Would it be worth it? Why?

Source: GAWKER

Friday, November 8, 2013

I'm sure these sites have been around for a while so this trend is nothing new. Case in point there are several sites geared specifically for putting your cheating lover on BLAST:,,, the list goes on and on! But there is are two new sites that have been getting some serious recognition by blog sites like Bossip, Gossipcop and MadameNoire (one of my fave sites) they are: and The name alone is insane. But the stories of the complications some of the women have caused (but mostly the men were just cheating and the women are being blamed) is CRAZY. has been in existence for just a year. Its not a veteran site but it is a garnering some major attention and its because of the stories being posted BY REAL PEOPLE!!!!! Seriously check out some examples of the craziness you will read on this site:
"I have been dating this man for 5 years and I’m no hurry to get married because I was married to very abusive man I’m the past. Anyways this man and I had 2 children together and at the time I found out about the affair our youngest was only 4 months old....He started hanging out with his “friends” all the time and even stayed out until the next morning on several occasions. I knew he was cheating but I was determined to make this relationship work.....In March 2012 he called me to tell me that it was over and he left for 3 months. During those 3 months she posted pictures of the 2 of them on Facebook and even announced their relationship on Facebook....asked if he could come home and work on our relationship. I agreed, but he kept cheating with her. In August I found out I was pregnant again and the best part of this story, she was pregnant too! We were only 5 days apart in our pregnancies. In September I lost my child and he swore to me that the other woman was not caring his child and he promised to do everything in his power to make our relationship work....On April 2 2013 the other whore had a little boy. I saw pictures online and immediately knew this was his child. On April 7th he received a call from Licking County children services informing him that Desiree told them he was the father and they were taking custody because the baby was born addicted to heroin and they were transporting him to Children’s Hospital to detox. This baby was in the hospital for 8 weeks detoxing from heroin. "- Read the Entire Story At!
Then it keeps getting worse.....
My husband met this whore, Beth Stewart, while working together as servers at a restaurant. We had only been married a few months, and had our first child a few weeks before the affair started. I was dealing with a bit of postpartum depression and our relationship suffered for it. My husband became withdrawn from me and our baby, often going out and drinking after work. I never suspected anything until one night he come home, picked a fight over something petty, and stormed out. I didn’t see or hear from him again until the next afternoon, when he came home to shower and get ready for work. I asked him where he was, and he told me he slept at his Aunt’s house. This was obviously a lie, and I later found out that this was the beginning of the affair.
He says that he went to a bar across the street from where he worked, to meet up with a few coworkers. She was there as well. For whatever reason, he began venting to her about our marriage and the stress of being a new father. I guess he had a few too many drinks, and she took his keys telling him he could sober up at her place. Slut. Once at her house, he says she helped him up the stairs, into her room, into her bed, and took off his shoes. One thing led to another, and well…you know.
The affair continued for about 2 months, with him lying about work hours to see her, neglecting both me and our child. In that short time, it turned into a full out emotional affair; dinners, hundreds of texts, buying her gifts, love letters etc. She even introduced him to her friend’s and family as her boyfriend. She would often tell him how much better she could take care of him than I could and got mad at him on the rare occasions he was actually home with his WIFE. At one point he brought me and our baby out to eat at the restaurant he worked at, on a night she was working (I insisted we go, before I learned of the affair) and he said she later asked how dare he bring me there and “play house” in her face like that. Yeah, she was something else. She became more and more jealous and controlling.
I caught on to everything after he flipped out on me for trying to use his phone on evening. Decided to check the phone records the next day, and confronted him with a printout of the same number appearing over and over. He admitted that it was a female he had been talking to, but said she was a customer who he waited on and denied anything happened besides the phone calls. I told him I didn’t buy that and that I would call the number myself and find out. That’s when he told me the whole truth, including that she was a coworker. He swore he would end it and I told him he was going to end it right then, in front of me. He was hesitant, but did so on speaker phone so that I could listen. She was quiet at first, and then asked him why. Said some other crap about giving her a chance to keep him happy…just being the pathetic, desperate slut that she is. He just said, “I’m sorry”, and hung up. He left for work a few hours after that, and never came home that night. The whore had requested that he spend one last night with her, saying she envied me because I was so pretty and she knew he wouldn’t leave me, but he owed her a proper goodbye for breaking her heart… and his dumbass agreed to it. This led to two more weeks of the affair. Of course I knew and lived in the nightmare while he “figured out what he wanted”. I told him to pack his shit and get out. He figured it out pretty quickly after that. He told the whore he was done. He quit his job and enlisted in the Military a few weeks later.
I kept his cell phone while he was away at basic. Late one night a text came through on his phone from the whore, telling him that she got into a huge fight with an ex and just wanted to vent to him since he (my husband) “understood being taken for granted”. I told her to fuck off. She told “him” to have a nice life with his bitch wife and the nasty little fucker I hatched. Although that last text reassured me that she obviously hadn’t had any contact with my husband since he quit the restaurant, her comment about our child caused even more problems in our marriage. I knew that she was a selfish, manipulative skank, but after she referred to an innocent child as a nasty fucker, I questioned what kind of person my husband really was for being interested in someone that disgusting. He seems 100% remorseful and ashamed at the whole situation, though. He’s glad he’s out of whatever sick trance he was in that led him to believe she was okay looking, and a decent person. He says her house was always gross and she was just a bitter, jealous person who enjoyed the sneaking and lies and deceit. Nasty bitch. - See the Pictures Go to
See what I'm saying Just RATCHET! They post pictures and full blown stories about their tumultuous relationships and the women they blame. Now they even have a male version of the site. Just waiting for people to add their content to. I'm not really shocked about the site because like I said I have seen this before. But what kills me is the content. Most, MOST people don't cheat for nothing. Most people have a need that is not being fulfilled, they've fallen out of love, they feel trapped and so on and so forth. There is always a reason for the madness. You can't just blame the problems of YOUR relationship on the pursuance of one woman. Cause I'm a put it to ya plain: If wasn't her, It would've been someone else. Nobody is so strong that they just steal your man. Yes a woman can be seductive and pour it on thick. But at the end of the day: The man has to accept the advances in order for them to engage in any sexual act. Your anger at SOME of these women isn't unfounded. Some of these women use the fact that these guys in are having hard times in their marriage or relationship to lure them away with shaky promises and good loving. But as I said the man as to accept the advances in order for her to do any damage.

These kinds of sites are good for the women who have problems they get to vent their frustration and anger instead of holding it inside. But because they post pictures and full government names it can be a recipe for disaster. Someone is not going to take it lightly and they are going to end up suing the site or something along those lines. These kinds of sites ruin peoples reputation. Who knows if these men and women are being truthful in their stories. Maybe they are just posting their truth and getting revenge on the person who scorned them. I have no clue. But what I do know is this: In every relationship you need to learn and take note of the mistakes you made. Most relationships end because of repeat offenders. We need to recognize our mistakes and fix them. Work on ourselves.

Do this before you just jump to conclusions in a relationship when someone has committed adultery:

1. What did I do to contribute to this relationship ending this way?
2. Did I really provide my partner with everything they needed emotionally, physically, mentally?
3.  Did I listen to them when they tried to talk to me? Did I acknowledge their pain?
4. How can I change so that I do not make the same mistakes again?

Don't get me wrong this is not always going to work and sometimes there is nothing to ease the pain or change about the way you handled your relationship. If you run through this and ask yourself these questions I'm sure you'll see that there were some flaws in this relationship that were bound to bubble to the surface. I'm not excusing the person who cheats behavior either but in order to not attract men and women who run instead of solve their problems you have to erase and or change the way you handle yourself in a relationship to attract a better quality mate for yourself that's all I'm saying. Now you can accept it or not but its the truth!

Source: Shesahomewrecker

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shocker....(Note the Sarcasm), Mary Jane AKA Alexis is on every radio outlet and she's just talking talking talking! This woman is really trying to capture her 15 minutes of fame! In the interview Tigger asks her "Did you know he was married?" I would imagine the question was for clarification. Her response was "Of course I knew. But she gave him a pass, they were on a break" Really? REALLY? That is such a cop out! She knew damn well that's not how it went down. Her nonchalant attitude is crazy. She has no feelings of being sad or remorseful about it. She just acts like it was another day in Atlanta for her while the rest of the world is ready to lynch her ratchet ass. All this calm cool and collected act lasts for a few seconds until Bambi shows up! Watch in VIDEO BELOW:

This isn't the first time Ms. Mary Jane has put herself in someone elses marital woes or marriage. Mary Jane also has struck up with the likes of Shaq during his marriage to Basketball Wives Queen Shaunie O'Neal. Mary Jane's former makeup artist and friend claimed that Shaq hurt her badly and that Mary Jane was taken advantage of. She claimed Mary Jane was a young mother who was vulnerable and borderline Bi-Polar. She says that Shaq strung Mary Jane along under the guise that she would be his woman and he was leaving his wife. Then in 08 she filed a restraining against Shaq claiming he threatened her. This charade continued for more than 2 years!

Mary Jane made no qualms about her affairs with married men. She's even boasted about it. More recently garnering blog talk about her twitter quote "Hide Your Husbands". And then in a radio interview she was also quoted saying "A Man is Either Going to Marry a Hoe or Cheat on His Wife With One." Well I guess we all know what she classifies herself as! LOL

Now Lets Look at the Situation In It's Entirety....

As a woman you expected a married man to be honest with you and committed to you while he was in a full blown relationship with his WIFE? Hmm...Mistake #1. You then go on national TV about 5 years later (who knows how many married men you've been with in that time frame) and publicly PUBLICLY sleep with a man you know damn well is MARRIED and on top of that you know HIS WIFE AND SHES PREGNANT WHICH U ALSO KNEW!! Mistake #2. Then you get upset because people are judging you and chastising you because of your LACK OF RESPECT. And then you decide to tell everyone in the world to "Hide your Husbands" Mistake #3. Then you capitalize on your trifling ways by going on every blog, radio and or TV show that will have you and discussing it like your talking about walking down the street. That's sad. Mistake #4 and the nail in your coffin.

Mary Jane I see you coming a mile away. You are a groupie X50. You will do anything in your power to make yourself popular and relevant that includes being a party to ruining a 15 year relationship. You are a poster child for women put their stock in a man. Stupidity is written all over your face. Basically putting a sign on your ass that says FOR SALE. Why couldn't you be a classy hoe and be private about it? Keep your panties on until the doors close or rather the cameras are off. You are constantly in a hustle state always looking for a man who has money to take care of you or fame for you to latch on. Honey you are ratchet as hell. Do I think your Bi-Polar? HELL NO! Until I see some proof you'll just be a dumb hoe, PERIOD. I'm sorry for the harsh words but you are not even trying to be remorseful for the woman whose life you just RUINED ON NATIONAL TV!

Rasheeda may be a lot of things but at least she's real. I can't take that from her. I have to give her that. She's also pregnant with his child, have some respect for their relationship good or bad and keep your ASS out of it. And I'M THROUGH!

Sources: NecoleBitchie & zHipHopCleveland

Monday, July 15, 2013

I was running through my facebook feed and I found a blog that had posts of peaceful protests from all over the country. Check it out:

Sabrina Sheppard, 8, of Sanford, Florida, prays at the‪#‎TrayvonMartin‬ memorial

"Guns in the Air" - NYC Times Square 

My friend Ryan at the NYC rally

Not Cool With this but.... 14th and Broadway -
 Oakland, CA. Protestors
burning the American Flag. 

57th Street - NYC - streets clogged with Protestors

Arial shot of NYC, Times Square. Protestors
still marching despite
NYPD's attempts to start riots and fights.

Crenshaw Blvd, L.A

Durham, NC for Trayvon

Folks beginning to gather at the Dept. of Justice in D.C. 

Houston - Rally For Trayvon TODAY

L.A. - The 10 Freeway

L.A. Shutting Down the Freeway Marching For Trayvon 

Miami - Rally for Trayvon TODAY

NYC - NYPD beginning to instigate and
arrest people, riling up crowd

NYC - Times Square

NYC Times Square - old Fashioned sit-in. 

Protestor allegedly hit by rubber bullets by the LAPD 
per @elonjames this guy came to disrupt the
Oakland protests, yelling slurs and then when folks
 reacted he ran to the police.

Rain didn't stop Dallas from protesting
the Zimmerman Verdict.

San Diego For Trayvon

San Francisco

This is from the Justice for Trayvon rally at
Marshall Park in Charlotte, NC 

Trayvon Martin Rally in New Orleans, LA.
Youth at Trayvon Martin Rally in Roxbury, MA

#Justice4Trayvon #Zimmerman #ZimmermanFree 

Peaceful protests are great if you believe it can work I'm all for it. 

Source: OHellNawlBlog

Thursday, July 11, 2013


 Okay so here is the story. Radaronline and Star magazine are reporting that Khloe and Lamar may be ending their marriage over a year long affair Lamar had with a stripper (it's questionable whether she is a stripper or not) named Jennifer Richardson. Apparently the affair started in January of 2012 while Lamar was in Washington, D.C. after a game he had with the Dallas Mavericks. According to a friend of Jennifer's he took her out to dinner that night that they met. He took off her shoes and rubbed her feet a the table. She was smitten and he was smitten. Then at 3am that morning Lamar called her to his hotel room and of course she showed up. He took her phone and broke it down into pieces including removing the battery. According to her friend Jennifer assumed he was protecting himself from photos or recordings (Sidebar: WTF?) . Well once he broke down her phone he began caressing her and kissing her. Jennifer told her friend he was an amazing kisser (Sidebar Again: Right?!). She also claimed they didn't have sex, but they did everything else ;). They talked for hours apparently and really connected. Well Lamar left town after that, but before he did he gave her $3,000 (Sidebar: For Her Troubles I Assume? LOL) and promised to see her again. 

But with Lamar's hectic schedule and his trade to the Los Angeles Clippers it was awhile before Jennifer saw her lover again, 11 months to be exact. Until the Clippers had a game in Charlotte and they "happened" to run into each other at the Ritz-Carlton in the Lobby (Sidebar: YEAH RIGHT, Hmm). Sources for Radaronline and Star Mag say that Lamar ran up to her and gave her a big hug exclaiming that he had been looking for her and was glad to see her. Well right after that they had consummated their "love" and had sex all night. Lamar couldn't enough of his new love, he was insatiable says a friend of Jennifer's. That began the actual affair that went on for several months. Flying Jennifer all over the country so that he can see her. He even went so far as to tell Jennifer he wanted a threesome which she obliged with one of her friends. 

As the Clippers entered in the playoffs and filming for Keeping Up with Karshadians began it was difficult for Lamar to find time to see Jennifer and their relationship tapered off. Causing heartbreak for Jennifer. But when the Clippers were put out of the playoffs he reportedly ran back to her only to find an angry heartbroken woman who wanted nothing to do with him. 

Well Khloe got wind of the tryst and threw Lamar out! This story is alleged and Khloe's rep denies the cheating at all. Says this never happened. Since this story broke Lamar and Khloe have tried to make it work but it was Lamar who walked out and moved out of Khloe's home. Apparently he's tired of being a "Kardashian".

The mistress claims she has proof of the affair. Hotel invoices, ticket stubs, plane tickets, and more. She says that Lamar put her up in hotels and used his friend Anthony McNair as a cover. All the hotel stays, tickets, etc were put in McNair's name to cover his tracks. Jennifer claims she didn't do this for fame but I beg to differ.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Kirk has been under fire for his disrespectful and hurtful antics on last weeks episode of LHHATL. Now he's eating humble pie via Nicki Minaj. Let me explain......

You see last week Nicki took to twitter and told everyone how she felt about Kirk and his cheating. Everyone including me agreed with her tweets. Here's some of what she said:
“Damn my n***a, after 15 yrs u wld embarrass the mother of your child while she’s pregnant on nat’l tv like that? cornballs on deck. for reality tv tho? My n—a…that s–t ain’t worth it,” the curvy rapper tweeted. “If you’re trying to convince someone you’re not gay that’s the wrong way to go about it. Your wife is pregnant. U do that on nat’l tv? GTFOH.”

“Having problems is one thing, broadcasting it on a tv show for some air time is another. That woman stayed by your side. how dare u? And i dare u to say it ain’t none of my business. u done sold it to vh1. Its everybody business,” the Twitter rant continued. “Its levels to this s–t…lol…the lower level minds will never understand that. You’re willing to ruin a 15 yr bond for vh1? el stupido.”
Kirk has decided to break his silence about her tweets. TMZ talked with Kirk and asked him what he felt about it, here's what he said:
“Nicki Minaj is a woman and she was speaking about me doing inappropriate things. I can’t fault her for that. Every woman in America who watched felt the way Nicki did,” he said. 
“Not only was doing it on the show inappropriate, but it was inappropriate period. And I hurt my wife.”

Kirk even told TMZ that Rasheeda is "DONE" with him. This is all reported by TMZ, considered a rumor to me until confirmed. I don't know if she officially left Kirk or not. Probably won't know that until the reunion. The fact that he did this to her on television I think is hardest part for people to understand. Cheating is bad enough but he did it on a grand scale. Guess we'll have wait on the reunion.

Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta airs every Monday @ 8pm on VH1 (Channel 335 on DirecTV)

Sources: VH1 & TMZ

Friday, July 5, 2013

Alexis Miller is allegedly pregnant and is telling everyone to "Hide their Husbands". Kirk you are such an idiot. You have royally screwed yourself and have embarrassed your wife 30x over.

On its being reported that model and self professed lover of married men Alexis Miller was not shy about her recent sexual trist on Monday's episode of LHHATL. She had no regard for a pregnant Rasheeda and her feelings or the fact that Kirk was married. In fact she preferred it that way. In the hot tub she was the main one instigating that Kirk have his fun with them and worry about his wife later. It was disgusting and just flat out wrong.

But Ms. Miller didn't give a damn. After the show aired she was tracked down by "#BlackTwitter" and basically massacred called everything from a hoe to a home wrecker. She defended herself against the flood of hatred she righfully deserved by saying:
“F**k how u feeling cause business is business, its Strictly financial…”
“Best thing to do is fall back Stay in ur lane and ima stay in mine… Cause this not what u want!!!”
“2 for that Team! Lmao guess its ok to kiss once cast member one day then another the next Who’s a h*e again? Ohh right.” “Stop tweeting me just Hide Your Husbands…”
“I’ll be the BAD gyrl…” -See more at:
And on top of all of that. There are pictures of Alexis and Rasheeda actually being friendly or rather cordial before all this went down. SMDH.
On the flip end of that HelloBeautiful is reporting [via Mediatakeout] that she telling friends and family that she's PREGNANT. And in talks with the shows producers to get on the show as a part of the storyline for next season. This is alleged and none of it has been confirmed.

Saw this on Facebook and I just couldn't discuss it here. So here's the skinny:
This man below cheated on his wife with a man while she was at work. 
Check out her recount of the whole ordeal below and then see what I have to say.


This is a real pix. I live in 5 minutes from Atlanta, but I work 2 hours away. A month ago my supervisor let me off early because there was damage to the ceiling from a rain storm.

I walked in my house and saw clothes on the hallway floor. I walked in my bedroom and saw what you are seeing.

The man with the thumb in his mouth is my husband. I have no idea who the other man is. I took this pix with my camera. I did not wake my husband. I just left. He has not seen me since. He has not attempted to call me or even drive to my work place.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Its no secret that Kirk has been acting like a total JERK toward his pregnant wife Rasheeda and unborn child. Now honestly I'm not a big fan of Rasheeda's but she is a real chick and real recognize real. And in this case I would be a damn fool to side with Kirk. But I'm a break it down for those who are unclear why everyone has been raging against Kirk in this season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.

Since the beginning of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta they have not been the perfect couple. In the 1st Season everyone sided with Kirk. Rasheeda was being completely unreasonable with Kirk as her manager. She completely disrespected him by going behind his back and seeking management somewhere else. And on top of all of that she neglected him to focus on what she called her rising career. Personally I thought she was being selfish spoiled and ignorant. She wanted this independent label career and she got it but what was unhappy with the result. Rasheeda wasn't willing to work with Kirk, she expected everything to be completed the way she wanted by Kirk without her being involved behind the scenes. But anyway the problem got resolved and everything was fine or so people thought.

Season 2 begins and I admit I missed many of the episodes but the jest of the situation is Rasheeda is pregnant and the way she told him to me was crazy. She tells she's pregnant like it's a burden and something she didn't want. Which I'm sure in her eyes it was. Her career was beginning to move again and they were making moves in her favor. But none the less she is pregnant. And instead of Kirk consoling his wife and being there for her. You know like saying something along the lines of "Baby I know its something you didn't want right now, but its okay we gone work through it let's try and focus on what we can while your pregnant and put a few other things on hold until you give birth." But Kirk just went off like Rasheeda got pregnant on her own. Telling her to get an abortion and being really just flat out evil towards her. She was holding her own though but it was terrible to see Kirk's stupidity play out on TV like that. Going to Benzino's house with strippers in the background talking about how he pulled out and used condoms. Just a big idiota!

Recently on Streetz Morning Grind, Kirk and Rasheeda stopped by to talk up some of their projects and of course their drama on Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta. Here's some excerpts of what he said:
“I mean if you feeling a certain kind of way…At that moment in time, it was a lot going on. It’s so long to explain. It was one of them things where I was saying what’s on my mind, I was pissed off about a few things. Then Rasheeda mom all in the marriage. I mean I was like ‘Come on, it’s between me and you [Rasheeda.] You paying some bills over here? Let me handle mine.” - See more at:
Rasheeda and Kirk go back forth about the accusations of her cheating (including his admitted infidelity) and Rasheeda explained why she went to see her mother about her relationship with Kirk. When the topic was brought up about the DNA test; he explains it by recalling an DNA test he had with another woman over the paternity of her child who she claimed was his. Here's what he said:
“Here’s an example for me. This is one of my examples. And I know everybody gone be like ‘Ahh, what that got to do with…’ Let’s see, three years ago, all of a sudden, I get a phone call right? Somebody says ‘Yo, I need you to go take a blood test. I think this child may be yours.’ So another man is raising a child, I go take the little swab test, come back and it’s my son. So I found out I had a kid three years ago. But for me, as a guy…You can’t just always believe in what a woman tell you just because [she's your wife.]…Somebody else just raised my kid ’til he was almost 18 years old. He just found out that I’m his father…It’s women in general. You gotta understand…Listen, why not check and make sure a child is yours? Why not?” - See more at:
Here's the interview below:

It's really sad actually. Kirk is an absolute clown. There is no reason for a man to be that old and that stupid. Rasheeda girl you've really bagged a good one, I GUESS. But I'm not hating. Because you know what marriage is hard work. It takes time, dedication, love and trust. A child is a huge responsibility and should never be aborted over anything trivial. It is important that every decision regarding a child is well thought out. If you didn't want a baby then you should've stayed wrapped up at all times. Plenty of performers have gotten pregnant had their children and still been able to do what they do everyday. Its hard true enough but with some clear level headed thinking it can be done.

First off it seems like Waka Flocka's mother Deb knows what she's doing. She told Rasheeda that the video basically looked ratchet with her being pregnant, rapping about hitting it from the back (at least thats what I thought about it and took from what she said). And for the record it was ratchet be it a metaphor or truth. Further more Deb is also right about Rasheeda focusing on the endorsement deals. You can still do meet ups, grand openings, all of that. And your studio time will be focused, you'll have better quality music all that. But Rasheeda is not aware of how to do this on her own and she's making mistakes that can't be undone. I thought the photo shoot was a good idea. But the video was not. She looked pregnant and it just seemed so wrong to shoot a video about sex when your pregnant. I don't know but if I was Rasheeda's manager and I found out she was pregnant I would have made sure she was clear on the circumstances and laid out a clear plan for her while she was pregnant and then after she had the baby about 3 or 4 months depending on she feels then we can start the videos and photo shoots again.

I hope Kirk has been on his hands and knees apologizing to Rasheeda for the stupidity and idiotic attitude he has had lately. He is a true dope and no matter what he says everyone will view him as the biggest jerk in the world. Point, Blank, Period.

Rasheeda I hope everything works out for you, your unborn baby, and dumb ass Kirk too. Girl marriage is a marathon not a sprint probably one of the best things to remember when your in a marriage. Trials and tribulations is par for the course.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Apparently this wasn't as treacherous on Kordell's part after all. It actually was a ploy to keep Porsha and Kordell on the show. And IT WORKED! Here's the skinny according to an insider Porsha and Kordell were both informed that their contracts for Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta would not be renewed. To stir up some mess for themselves as well as ratings the created this fake divorce complete with lawyers, rumors, everything you could think of. 

According to the insider Kordell and Porsha never planned on getting a divorce. They've been living together this entire time as man and wife. The entire story of Kordell blindsiding her with a divorce was a complete LIE! Well their little ploy worked. A Bravo executive has confirmed that they have asked them to return to the show and they've accepted. The insider claims they thought if they pulled a "NeNe" and create a fake divorce they would be more valuable to the show. WHATEVER?!!!!

What do I think? Total BS!

If this is true then Porsha you are ratchet as hell and Kordell your just as dirty. First off why can't these shows ever be real? Why can't they be about people who have real friendships, who hang around each other and chronicle that? Instead of throwing people who might run in the same circles into a situation with fake parties and fake vacations. 

Second I don't think NeNe and Greg had a fake divorce. It was clear they had marital problems and it wasn't just on TV. But if the divorce was fake that is despicable. Putting their youngest son through all the drama they had. I HOPE that it was not all a ploy. Seriously, by either Porsha or NeNe. It would be in very poor taste if it was! 

I really hope this is just another rumor and not real. Cause if it is the press is going to have a field day. And Bravo's going to have to make some major changes to their "Reality Franchise" with Kenya creating boyfriends and "Possible" fake divorces by Porsha and NeNe. Whats next fake pregnancies? I HOPE NOT!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

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See when you trifling like this dude and girl here you get SCREWED! This woman soaked her boyfriend's condoms in habanero sauce! And well the rest is history! Although I think she went too far with the poking of the holes. I mean she could've brought a child into a unwanted situation. That would kill the psyche of a child if they knew thats how they were conceived. Under trickery, devious, conniving, hatred acts. It would kill me so I know if it someone else it devastate them. And another thing: Facebook is the death of all relationships! Please just stop. I'm a married woman I have a Facebook just like the rest of the world. But you are an idiot if you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, or fiance' and you shop for a new lover on Facebook. When you start blocking your partner or turning down friend requests lol they're going to be suspicious. Seriously just stop it!

Life Lesson #125: Keep Your D*** in Your Pants! Its ok to look but acting on temptation is where you get into to trouble. In this instance this dude slept with his wife's best friend. How can you be so treacherous and deceitful to cross that line?! Your Best Friend's Husband!? You have no boundaries, no care for your friend.

Cardinal Rule #69: Never Sleep Your Friend or Family Members Ex (Or Baby's Mother/Father)! Too many variables too much drama. There are plenty of men and women in the world for you to date besides someone that you know has been intimate with your friend or family member. Its rude and just plain wrong. Unless your friend ok's (which lets be honest is never true when dealing with women).


Ya'll Discuss This Below! Would You Do This To Your Mate If You Found Out They Were Cheating? Talk to ME!

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