It's Big Mouth News Time! So Let's Get Into It....

Here you will find Celebrity stories, Internet aka Viral stories, or just hot button topics in general given with my own brand of wisdom, flavor, and my truth. This is just a written extension of my YouTube channel. BE WARNED: I will not always be nice in my blogs but what I say is my truth and things that need to be said and heard! So Pay Attention People, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY...

Showing posts with label #Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Dead. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Washed up former MTV reality star Tila Tequila has done the most in the last couple of days. Well judging by the picture above you can imagine where this post is going.

Tila Tequila posted some ignorant yet bizarre posts about Hitler on her blog. She even compared herself to him and how he was ostracized by the people of (the religion) Judaism. I'll let you read what she said via GossipCop:
“Once upon a time in a land far away there was a special and sweet kid who had a dream to become a painter. He was a brilliant artist and was ahead of his time. He had hopes, and dreams just like we all do.” 
“Unfortunately, the art schools did not feel the same as he and they rejected him. Fast forward a few years later he was roughed up and bullied on top of that by the same people he once loved. His Name was Hitler,” she adds. 
The former “Shot at Love” star then relates herself to Hitler, saying that after she converted to Judaism last year, “[The Jews] mocked her, rejected her and laughed at her through and through when all she ever did was show them her love.”
Tila Tequila continued posting crazy crap like this and even insinuated on Sunday evening that the late Paul Walker was murdered. All these posts including her Nazi themed pictured were removed.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Melissa Cooper and Christopher Ned Kelley


Well Christopher Ned Kelley is probably single and DEAD ASS Broke! Mr. Kelley decided to break off a 10 year relationship with his fiancee Melissa Cooper after cheating on her for the majority of their relationship. She was devastated but she hit him where it hurts, his POCKET. She filed a lawsuit suing her ex-fiancee in a Georgia court and WON! 

Melissa Cooper and Christopher Ned Kelley became engaged on December 23, 2004. They had been living together since 2000 and Melissa was also the mother of his child. She left her job to become a stay-at-home mom, per Mr. Kelley's request (BTW: Why does it sound dirty to call him Mr. Kelley? LOL its just funny to me!). Shortly after the proposal Melissa finds out about Christopher's 2 year relationship with another woman that had begun 3 months before he proposed to her. They had a confrontation about it and he promised her he would never cheat again, he would end the relationship with his mistress, and he promised that they would get married for sure. Melissa took him back and for a short while all is well, until April of 2011. In April Melissa found out about another secret relationship with a different woman. This time Mr. Kelley decided to leave Melissa and even told her that she and the kids needed to move out. 

Melissa was fed up at that point. She went to a lawyer and filed a lawsuit in Coweta County Superior Court. She included fraud, breach of contract to marry, and other claims against Mr. Kelley. 

During the trial it was learned that inspite of Mr. Kelley's infidelities Melissa also cheated. Christopher Kelley's defense was simple, he claims he never actually said the words "Will you marry me?". Here's what some of the court filings state:
“I never initiated the concept of marriage with her, outside of giving her that ring,”
“We never had very many discussions around marriage. I personally never initiated any conversations around marriage,” 
Throughout the trial Kelley was asked about his infidelities 3 months before and after the supposed proposal and here's his answer:
“It's possible. Throughout our ten-year relationship, there will be very emotional times and you will do things that doesn’t necessarily represent, you know, the actuality of life,” he said in court, the document states.
Ultimately the judge ruled in Melissa Cooper's favor. The judge awarded her with $43,500 and $6,500 in attorney's fees. Christopher Kelley appealed the court's decision, claiming that his promise to marry was a part of meretricious relationship and therefore not enforceable ”
(BTW: If you're not familiar with the word meretricious here's a definition: apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity i.e. characteristic of a prostitute.) basically calling her a glorified hoe with benefits. Even with Mr. Kelley's appalling words and actions, the Appellate Court still upheld the decision of the original court.

Melissa Cooper's attorney was very vocal about the law and the states the need to re-enact common law marriage:
“By law the marriage doesn’t exist, but for practical purposes, it’s a marriage,” Smith said. “They were together for 10 years. They acquired property together.”
Melissa plans to purchase a home for herself and her two children with part of her settlement. Melissa has primary physical custody over their child and he pays her child support.

Read more: StraightFromTheA

Friday, November 8, 2013

I'm sure these sites have been around for a while so this trend is nothing new. Case in point there are several sites geared specifically for putting your cheating lover on BLAST:,,, the list goes on and on! But there is are two new sites that have been getting some serious recognition by blog sites like Bossip, Gossipcop and MadameNoire (one of my fave sites) they are: and The name alone is insane. But the stories of the complications some of the women have caused (but mostly the men were just cheating and the women are being blamed) is CRAZY. has been in existence for just a year. Its not a veteran site but it is a garnering some major attention and its because of the stories being posted BY REAL PEOPLE!!!!! Seriously check out some examples of the craziness you will read on this site:
"I have been dating this man for 5 years and I’m no hurry to get married because I was married to very abusive man I’m the past. Anyways this man and I had 2 children together and at the time I found out about the affair our youngest was only 4 months old....He started hanging out with his “friends” all the time and even stayed out until the next morning on several occasions. I knew he was cheating but I was determined to make this relationship work.....In March 2012 he called me to tell me that it was over and he left for 3 months. During those 3 months she posted pictures of the 2 of them on Facebook and even announced their relationship on Facebook....asked if he could come home and work on our relationship. I agreed, but he kept cheating with her. In August I found out I was pregnant again and the best part of this story, she was pregnant too! We were only 5 days apart in our pregnancies. In September I lost my child and he swore to me that the other woman was not caring his child and he promised to do everything in his power to make our relationship work....On April 2 2013 the other whore had a little boy. I saw pictures online and immediately knew this was his child. On April 7th he received a call from Licking County children services informing him that Desiree told them he was the father and they were taking custody because the baby was born addicted to heroin and they were transporting him to Children’s Hospital to detox. This baby was in the hospital for 8 weeks detoxing from heroin. "- Read the Entire Story At!
Then it keeps getting worse.....
My husband met this whore, Beth Stewart, while working together as servers at a restaurant. We had only been married a few months, and had our first child a few weeks before the affair started. I was dealing with a bit of postpartum depression and our relationship suffered for it. My husband became withdrawn from me and our baby, often going out and drinking after work. I never suspected anything until one night he come home, picked a fight over something petty, and stormed out. I didn’t see or hear from him again until the next afternoon, when he came home to shower and get ready for work. I asked him where he was, and he told me he slept at his Aunt’s house. This was obviously a lie, and I later found out that this was the beginning of the affair.
He says that he went to a bar across the street from where he worked, to meet up with a few coworkers. She was there as well. For whatever reason, he began venting to her about our marriage and the stress of being a new father. I guess he had a few too many drinks, and she took his keys telling him he could sober up at her place. Slut. Once at her house, he says she helped him up the stairs, into her room, into her bed, and took off his shoes. One thing led to another, and well…you know.
The affair continued for about 2 months, with him lying about work hours to see her, neglecting both me and our child. In that short time, it turned into a full out emotional affair; dinners, hundreds of texts, buying her gifts, love letters etc. She even introduced him to her friend’s and family as her boyfriend. She would often tell him how much better she could take care of him than I could and got mad at him on the rare occasions he was actually home with his WIFE. At one point he brought me and our baby out to eat at the restaurant he worked at, on a night she was working (I insisted we go, before I learned of the affair) and he said she later asked how dare he bring me there and “play house” in her face like that. Yeah, she was something else. She became more and more jealous and controlling.
I caught on to everything after he flipped out on me for trying to use his phone on evening. Decided to check the phone records the next day, and confronted him with a printout of the same number appearing over and over. He admitted that it was a female he had been talking to, but said she was a customer who he waited on and denied anything happened besides the phone calls. I told him I didn’t buy that and that I would call the number myself and find out. That’s when he told me the whole truth, including that she was a coworker. He swore he would end it and I told him he was going to end it right then, in front of me. He was hesitant, but did so on speaker phone so that I could listen. She was quiet at first, and then asked him why. Said some other crap about giving her a chance to keep him happy…just being the pathetic, desperate slut that she is. He just said, “I’m sorry”, and hung up. He left for work a few hours after that, and never came home that night. The whore had requested that he spend one last night with her, saying she envied me because I was so pretty and she knew he wouldn’t leave me, but he owed her a proper goodbye for breaking her heart… and his dumbass agreed to it. This led to two more weeks of the affair. Of course I knew and lived in the nightmare while he “figured out what he wanted”. I told him to pack his shit and get out. He figured it out pretty quickly after that. He told the whore he was done. He quit his job and enlisted in the Military a few weeks later.
I kept his cell phone while he was away at basic. Late one night a text came through on his phone from the whore, telling him that she got into a huge fight with an ex and just wanted to vent to him since he (my husband) “understood being taken for granted”. I told her to fuck off. She told “him” to have a nice life with his bitch wife and the nasty little fucker I hatched. Although that last text reassured me that she obviously hadn’t had any contact with my husband since he quit the restaurant, her comment about our child caused even more problems in our marriage. I knew that she was a selfish, manipulative skank, but after she referred to an innocent child as a nasty fucker, I questioned what kind of person my husband really was for being interested in someone that disgusting. He seems 100% remorseful and ashamed at the whole situation, though. He’s glad he’s out of whatever sick trance he was in that led him to believe she was okay looking, and a decent person. He says her house was always gross and she was just a bitter, jealous person who enjoyed the sneaking and lies and deceit. Nasty bitch. - See the Pictures Go to
See what I'm saying Just RATCHET! They post pictures and full blown stories about their tumultuous relationships and the women they blame. Now they even have a male version of the site. Just waiting for people to add their content to. I'm not really shocked about the site because like I said I have seen this before. But what kills me is the content. Most, MOST people don't cheat for nothing. Most people have a need that is not being fulfilled, they've fallen out of love, they feel trapped and so on and so forth. There is always a reason for the madness. You can't just blame the problems of YOUR relationship on the pursuance of one woman. Cause I'm a put it to ya plain: If wasn't her, It would've been someone else. Nobody is so strong that they just steal your man. Yes a woman can be seductive and pour it on thick. But at the end of the day: The man has to accept the advances in order for them to engage in any sexual act. Your anger at SOME of these women isn't unfounded. Some of these women use the fact that these guys in are having hard times in their marriage or relationship to lure them away with shaky promises and good loving. But as I said the man as to accept the advances in order for her to do any damage.

These kinds of sites are good for the women who have problems they get to vent their frustration and anger instead of holding it inside. But because they post pictures and full government names it can be a recipe for disaster. Someone is not going to take it lightly and they are going to end up suing the site or something along those lines. These kinds of sites ruin peoples reputation. Who knows if these men and women are being truthful in their stories. Maybe they are just posting their truth and getting revenge on the person who scorned them. I have no clue. But what I do know is this: In every relationship you need to learn and take note of the mistakes you made. Most relationships end because of repeat offenders. We need to recognize our mistakes and fix them. Work on ourselves.

Do this before you just jump to conclusions in a relationship when someone has committed adultery:

1. What did I do to contribute to this relationship ending this way?
2. Did I really provide my partner with everything they needed emotionally, physically, mentally?
3.  Did I listen to them when they tried to talk to me? Did I acknowledge their pain?
4. How can I change so that I do not make the same mistakes again?

Don't get me wrong this is not always going to work and sometimes there is nothing to ease the pain or change about the way you handled your relationship. If you run through this and ask yourself these questions I'm sure you'll see that there were some flaws in this relationship that were bound to bubble to the surface. I'm not excusing the person who cheats behavior either but in order to not attract men and women who run instead of solve their problems you have to erase and or change the way you handle yourself in a relationship to attract a better quality mate for yourself that's all I'm saying. Now you can accept it or not but its the truth!

Source: Shesahomewrecker

Monday, October 14, 2013

*Warning the Video Below Has Sexually Suggestive Content. Please BE ADVISED!!!!!*

So this is what the world has come too? Dancers and or women making videos twerking or dancing erotically to GOSPEL MUSIC!!!! Have y'all lost your minds? There should be a certain level you just shouldn't go beyond. The amount of respect for the song and the content is absolutely lost right now. Now the only way this can be excused is if the video was altered in some way. Like the music was changed. Can't say yay or nay either way, but I'm hoping that the video was altered and she did not do this on purpose

I embedded the video below but I just can't watch it. I tried watching it but I can't and I won't bring myself to watch that, I just won't. So for those who can be my guest. You have been warned!



Source: WorldStarHipHop

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Apparently the House of Representatives aren't on board with keeping the food stamps program alive. Many citizens of the United States use the food stamps program to feed their families but many congressman (mainly republicans) have voted numerous times to do away with the program. Claiming that it is not cost effective and putting a strain on the government. 

Well Congresswoman Jackie Speier says no. The congresswoman stood tall on the House of Representatives floor and spoke about the importance of food stamps how some constituents probably wouldn't eat if they didn't have it. She also pointed out how Congress was reimbursed monies for hundred dollar meals that they may or may not have eaten. She called out these congressman in a manner of speaking and brought with her several props a thick steak, a can of expensive caviar and a bottle of vodka. 

Her is some of her speech about specific members of Congress and their frivolous spending on lodging and food during their trips in foreign countries:

She explains the families in her district that are on food stamps and how many of the congressman who are voting against keeping Food Stamps have THOUSANDS ON THE PROGRAM:
“In my district, California 14, we have about 4,000 families who are on food stamps, but some of my colleagues have thousands and thousands more,” Rep. Speier said.
After that she goes for the jugular. Keep on Reading Y'all: 
“Yet, they somehow feel like crusaders, like heroes when they vote to cut food stamps. Some of these same members travel to foreign countries under the guise of official business. They dine at lavish restaurants, eating steak, vodka and even caviar. They receive money to do this. That’s right, they don’t pay out of pocket for these meals.”
“Let me give you a few examples: One member was given $127.41 a day for food on his trip to Argentina. He probably had a fair amount of steak,” she said. 
“Another member was given $3,588 for food and lodging during a six-day trip to Russia. He probably drank a fair amount of vodka and probably even had some caviar. That particular member has 21,000 food stamp recipients in his district. One of those people who is on food stamps could live a year on what this congressman spent on food and lodging for six days,” she added. 

“Another 20 members made a trip to Dublin, Ireland. They got $166 a day for food. These members didn’t pay a dime. They received almost $200 for a single meal only for themselves. Yet, for them the idea of helping fellow Americans spend less than $5 a day makes their skin crawl. The families of veterans, of farmers, of the disabled, of the working poor are not visible to them, not even when they are their own constituents.”

She never names these congressman but on Buzzfeed they do! Here's the congressman who were on these lavish trips but voted against Food Stamps [via and Roll Call]:
  • The member of Congress who took the trip to Argentina who spent $127 was Rep. Frank Lucas of Oklahoma and the trip was sponsored by the Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange.
  • The member of Congress who took the trip to Russia was Rep. Steve King of Iowa. 
  • The 20 members of Congress who went to Dublin can be found here. The trip, sponsored by the Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange, had an estimated budget of $450,000 to $750,000 according to Roll Call.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hurbert Van Gijseghem, psychologist and
retired professor
of the University of Montreal

This is probably one of the most disgusting and downright creepy blogs I will ever write. I was on Facebook this morning trolling through my timeline and I came across a news article about Pedophiles fighting to be able to legally have sex with children. Their claim is that their "lifestyle" should be considered a sexual orientation not a crime. Here's an excerpt from the article that I want you guys to see so its going to in BIG BOLD LETTERS, here it is:
In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”
When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”
The IASHS lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that includes “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another right is to, “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The organization also says that no one should be “disadvantaged because of age.” - To read the entire article click here

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rihanna and Chris Brown via

Chris Brown did an interview where he was asked about his relationship with Rihanna and his other ex Karrueche. He was questioned whether he was with one of them or not. Chris quickly dispelled the rumors and explained he's not with either one but he's good friends with them both.

Well shortly after the interview went public Rihanna took to Instagram to express her feelings. Meme picture below:

It's hilarious to me. If this meme was a shot at Chris Brown, Just let it go. Got damn! You're a grown ass women get the eff over it! Find another dude to obsess over or rather date you've done it before i.e. Matt Kemp, Drake, etc. L.I.G. it Rihanna, seriously! It needs to be a done deal. Your relationship was toxic. Chris ended up in court and you ended up with a black eye. Leave it and him alone. Period!

Source: Bossip

Lil Mo has decided to make a statement about the recent boycott of artists against the verdict of George Zimmerman, but made a particular dig at Stevie Wonder. Look I'm all for freedom of speech and she shouldn't be stifled simply because people don't like what was said. But you have to be respectful. Lil Mo took to twitter to voice her disdain about the recent boycotts of Florida by celebrities.

She tweeted:
“Ever since the verdict, a certain artist is boycotting the state of Florida. The fans don't deserve to be deserted,” she tweeted. “If the coin was right, would HIS staff accept or deny the gig? And if so how would he know? They could say it’s sumpter, sc or nah?”
“TBH some artists have staff that dedicate their LIFE to that artist so when that artists expires the TEAM outta work. Think abt it b4 u buck,” - See more at: Cocoafab
Really Lil Mo? Really? This is disrespectful and unacceptable. First off he has a right to assert himself for something he believes in. I don't think boycotting Florida will hurt him in anyway he could be in any country in the world and make twice as much as he would in a concert in Florida. He's not doing this to hurt his staff or anyone he's doing this to make a point. Stevie Wonder is a world wide artist and phenomenon. Furthermore there were plenty of other artists who are refusing to have concerts or anything in Florida, people like Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Madonna, and Justin Timberlake just to name a few. But you didn't make any snide comments at any of them in your twitter rant, No. You singled out Stevie Wonder in a roundabout way.

Second let these artists deal with the consequences of their actions. If its hurting them they will just have to eat that cost. Why are you concerned your not boycotting this way so L.I.G. Its not about what you said its how you said it. You weren't sounding concerned you sounded like you were trying to put someone on blast. Like they were just doing this boycotting thing for publicity. I do understand your frustration but this how they feel taking a stand would benefit the community and make Florida understand that the people do have a voice. And by the way there are artists who are doing small benefit concerts and showing up to vigils, but others feel that this is a better way to show their severe disdain for the injustice of Trayvon Martin.

Let's be real here, Stevie Wonder didn't have to boost his career by getting on reality TV. So he's not missing a beat by boycotting Florida His music is timeless. No matter how many breaks he takes, he can always come back with new music or old music and out sell you and everyone else in the world without even trying. So fall back Lil Mo and in the words of The Rock: "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth" Let them express their voice the way they want. If you don't want to boycott this way that's your business. I'm not judging you but you can't judge them for what they decide to do for themselves and their community. #imjussayin

What do y'all think?

Source: Cocoafab

Friday, July 5, 2013

Alexis Miller is allegedly pregnant and is telling everyone to "Hide their Husbands". Kirk you are such an idiot. You have royally screwed yourself and have embarrassed your wife 30x over.

On its being reported that model and self professed lover of married men Alexis Miller was not shy about her recent sexual trist on Monday's episode of LHHATL. She had no regard for a pregnant Rasheeda and her feelings or the fact that Kirk was married. In fact she preferred it that way. In the hot tub she was the main one instigating that Kirk have his fun with them and worry about his wife later. It was disgusting and just flat out wrong.

But Ms. Miller didn't give a damn. After the show aired she was tracked down by "#BlackTwitter" and basically massacred called everything from a hoe to a home wrecker. She defended herself against the flood of hatred she righfully deserved by saying:
“F**k how u feeling cause business is business, its Strictly financial…”
“Best thing to do is fall back Stay in ur lane and ima stay in mine… Cause this not what u want!!!”
“2 for that Team! Lmao guess its ok to kiss once cast member one day then another the next Who’s a h*e again? Ohh right.” “Stop tweeting me just Hide Your Husbands…”
“I’ll be the BAD gyrl…” -See more at:
And on top of all of that. There are pictures of Alexis and Rasheeda actually being friendly or rather cordial before all this went down. SMDH.
On the flip end of that HelloBeautiful is reporting [via Mediatakeout] that she telling friends and family that she's PREGNANT. And in talks with the shows producers to get on the show as a part of the storyline for next season. This is alleged and none of it has been confirmed.

Now I know ya'll looking at this blog like for real Tiffany? You joking right? And I can honestly say with my head hung low that NO I AM NOT JOKING THIS IS FOR REAL!!!!

Cast Members of Internet Reality Show

I can't, I don't have much to say.  I know everybody wants to tell their story but are you serious? Instead of the Real Baby Mamas of Richmond, why couldn't it be called the Single Mothers of Richmond or just Single Mothers/Moms whatever something other than baby mama. It just seemed pointless for the show. I understand that every form of a woman should be represented. But not like this.

I'm sorry I just don't like this. I reading some of the comments for this show on YouTube and they were supporting the show. First off all the women have ignorant ass nicknames like Ms. Coco, Ms. Glamor, Big Red, Ms. Drama or the most ghetto nickname of all Ms. Twerk. When the lady begins the show she's showing her kids. She's talking in Ebonics a ghetto form of English. She's showing her children which by the way from what she says they are great kids. Smart, driven, strong kids its just their mother is being exploitative of herself and her children. This is just STUPID! There is no need to showcase the women in Richmond in this way. I'm glad this show isn't a nationally syndicated show and doesn't appear on any network. I just don't want another reality show on TV. Scripted TV shows still exist and honestly they need to start creating more scripted TV shows for real actors. *By the way: No disrespect to NeNe Leakes or anything but the reason why the New Normal didn't last was because of her horrible acting. If they would've chosen someone with serious acting chops or at least some acting skill the show probably would've gotten better reviews and been on longer. I can't be the only one to feel this way but those segments on the show where she was playing her mother and her father. Were absolutely ridiculous. It was something that should've been done, period. Just a MESS. But I digress...

Reality shows like this are stupid. It makes no since to create a show like this and actually put out there for the world to see and then get upset when people judge it. Listen here people I'm not supporting nothing like this ever! If they wants to put this on internet I will never watch this. I got as far as the opening credits of this show and then changed the channel. Oh and another thing you put your children in this show. Never mind the fact that this is on the internet and will never ever be able to be deleted truly. Just thought I would put that out there.

I'm all for showing facets of life and because statistics say that just about 2 out of 5 children come from a single-parent home I can see how this form of parenting can want to be represented but it needs to be done in a better way. In a classier way. Seriously this is terrible and as I said I'm not watching it ever. You can if you like I will put the videos in blog for you to see. Deuces y'all #ICant #Dead #NotaFan

Sources: RealityWives