It's Big Mouth News Time! So Let's Get Into It....

Here you will find Celebrity stories, Internet aka Viral stories, or just hot button topics in general given with my own brand of wisdom, flavor, and my truth. This is just a written extension of my YouTube channel. BE WARNED: I will not always be nice in my blogs but what I say is my truth and things that need to be said and heard! So Pay Attention People, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY...

Showing posts with label R&B Singer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R&B Singer. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You never expect to open your Instagram direct message and see a penis staring back at you with a man claiming to be a minister attached to it. Well R&B singer Tank didn't expect it or want to see it but he did. A man sent Tank a 15 second video exposing himself to him. Claiming to be minister it disturbed Tank so he decided to oust him!

He screenshot a of picture of the man and posted this message [info via MadameNoire]:

I first apologize for this image to all my fans and anybody who sees this! This man is claiming to be a minister and sends this to my DM!! This is what’s wrong with the church now! Misrepresentation of God and who he really is!! This is the devil operating in our sacred place! We can’t allow this ANYWHERE!! I have no problems with homosexuals BUT I do have a problem with this!! What message were you trying to send a straight man “minister”? I hope ur bishop everybody in ur congregation become aware of your actions! If you’ll send this to a celebrity God only knows what ur sending to kids and etc!! The devil is working and this is what it looks like! I won’t stand by and allow it to happen! I will take this down soon, BUT this serves as a warning to you perverts infiltrating our churches!! You’re not welcome!! I pray that God deals with you swiftly and accordingly!!