It's Big Mouth News Time! So Let's Get Into It....

Here you will find Celebrity stories, Internet aka Viral stories, or just hot button topics in general given with my own brand of wisdom, flavor, and my truth. This is just a written extension of my YouTube channel. BE WARNED: I will not always be nice in my blogs but what I say is my truth and things that need to be said and heard! So Pay Attention People, I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY...

Friday, June 6, 2014

Update: #IKnowImLate! Good News!!!! Chris Brown Has Been Released from Prison!

I heard on Wendy Williams that Chris Brown was released from jail and I was elated! I felt so bad for him and even though it was a bad place, I imagine that time away from his friends, family, money, and social status was a major WAKE UP CALL for him.

When he got out he tweeted one thing: Blessed and Humbled. Isn't that great? I hope from here on out its smooth sailing for him. Cause let me tell ya his music hasn't missed a beat. Loyal dropped before Chris Brown went to jail (or rather leaked) and its been a constant on the charts and radio ever since. All 3 versions of the song Loyal (original, west coast, and east coast versions) topped the Billboard 100 (BTW: That is the seventh single of Chris Brown's to top the overall Billboard Charts. An Amazing FEAT!). There's no doubt the man has talent. I can listen to him sing and definitely watch him dance all day long. I can't wait for his album X.

I hope that he really has changed his ways and stays out of trouble. He has stated that jail has taught him to respect women including his mother and current girlfriend (rumored fiance) Karrueche Tran. To keep himself on the straight and narrow it has been alleged that he has ended friendships with people that were a bad influence. I'm so happy for him. He's been pretty quiet on social media and I'm happy about that as well. It needed to be downgraded. I bet he feels so much better and free.

Chris still has somewhat of a hill to climb. The court date for the assault case is in September. So he still has to wait for the trial and his sentence before he is truly out of the woods.

I know a lot of people still really dislike Chris Brown but I think he deserves a chance to prove people wrong. I don't think he's as bad as people make him out to be. In most cases with a kid who witnesses their parent abused they develop severe psychological problems. I think that is what has happened with Chris Brown. Unfortunately his problems manifested in anger, violence, and sex on a grand scale for the world to see. Its not a good way to work through your problems when there is a microscope on you waiting on you to screw up.

Anyway good luck C. Breezy aka Chris Brown, I'm rooting for you!


Karrueche Tran Welcoming Home Her Man Chris Brown

Chris Brown was released from prison and his longtime girlfriend Karrueche Tran threw him a party with some close friends. Now some people would say that this is a bad idea but I dont think so. Chris was at home with family and friends and it wasn't like she threw him an extravagant party at a club popping bottles and what not. It was similar to a family barbecue. A Welcome Home Party is not going to set him back. Now Chris is a little fuller than his usual weight but I like it. He looks good either way. But there are those select few internet trolls who started several memes comparing him to the old school Sinbad (the A Different World Sinbad LOL). But it doesn't matter he's home with his girl and family. He's healthy and breathing and thats all that matters.

Chris Brown, Karrueche, and ALLEGED Porn Stars (Whatever! It's always something it can never be anything normal)

Welcome Home C. Breezy! I hope your party was a good time and you're in a happy place. Wishing You Good Luck, Much Love, & HAPPINESS!

Chris Brown's Highly Anticipated Album X is due out later this year! I can't wait! But until then listen to his singles that he released this year and last year:

Source: DailyNewshttp://

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